The Tang Nano DCJ11MEM project is an attempt to implement the memory system and UART of the DEC DCJ11 CPU on an FPGA (TangNano20K). More information can be found at
- Only peripheral circuits are implemented on the FPGA, the CPU itself is real
- 32K x 16bit of RAM
- Socketed 18Mhz Oscillator for experimentation on clock speed
- Emulated Devices
- Paper-Tape Reader/Punch (PC-11),
- Disk Drives (RF11, RK11)
- External Computing Units (KE11-A)
- Clocks (KW11-L)
- Currently there are 4 operating modes
- Bare metal
- BASIC loading from a PC11 tape reader emulator
- Unix V1
- Unix V6 (Experimental)
Full operation requires, in addition to the Tang Nano DJ11MEM, a DEC DCJ11 CPU, Tang Nano 20K, tangNano-5V and optionally a 5v DC power supply (5.5mm OD x 2.1 mm ID with center positive).
The Tang Nano DCJ11MEM is the design of the INCREDIBLE Ryo Mukai (!
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